Become a Canterbury Choral Supporter Today!

Since 1952, we have produced great performances with the help of donors like you.  Canterbury Choral Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution by selecting an amount below and donate by credit card today.


Contribution Categories:

Seraph……….........…….$10,000 and above
Archangel……….......……..$7,500 and above
Angel……………............…..$5,000 and above
Benefactor………….......….$2,500 and above
Patron……………….........….$1,000 and above
Sponsor………………….......$500 and above
Sustaining Member……..$300 and above
Associate Member….…..$200 and above
Friend……………….….......…$ 100 and above


 You may also mail a check, payable to Canterbury Choral Society, to us at 1085 5th Ave, New York, NY 10128. We appreciate your generosity.

For recurring donations, use PayPal: